Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Budget Time...oh my

The image “http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:rVqwOv8nSLWr8M:http://www.cnycentral.com/uploadedImages/wstm/News/Stories/SCHOOL%2520BUDGET.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Time for the annual budget dance between GCS, our school board and the Guilford County Board of Commissioners. But will it be the Texas-two-step or the dosey-doe?

Parties close to this year's planned budget met yesterday, and County Commissioner chairman Skip Alston already has put the school system on high notice:

"My concern is to look at so-called 'fat’ in the budget."

Complete coverage from the N&R.


Alston acknowledged that there would be unknowns. But a committee could start looking at information the board does have now, he said.

Commissioner Bruce Davis, who is leading that committee, agreed.

“We can’t wait until all your hard numbers come in to get to work,” he said.

He met with Kris Cooke, a school board member and part of the budget committee, after Monday’s meeting. They plan to convene the budget committee

Thursday to give members a chance to get to know each other and to start working on questions about the school budget.

The committee will include community members, a point of contention between the two boards.

Duncan and Cooke said that, historically, the committee has been composed only of commissioners and school board members. Both added that they’re fine with public input.

Davis and Alston said they want “fresh eyes” looking at the issue.


Why would this be a point of contention? I've always supported the fact that there should be citizens advisory committees involved in our school system.

E.C. :)

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