Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Special Ed-West hits the ground

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Board members last night approved spending $389,000 to begin building Special-Ed West, which will be housed in Jamestown, next to Jamestown Middle School. The funding comes from bonds that were approved earlier last year (see N&R blurb).

We'll follow the progress.

E.C. :)

1 comment:

Inspector Clouseau said...

You know Erik, I should have responded to this the first time that I saw the title. Some years ago, I saw a piece on PBS about a researcher who took control of poorly achieving inner city youth, who were roughly two behind their counterparts. He had their parents wake them up a half hour earlier, he made arrangements for them to get picked up, and then delivered to a location where they got a nutritious breakfast. At the end of the day, they were engaged in some educational activity which was perceived as fun, until their parents arrived to pick them up. The parents were then integrated into the learning progcess.

Within two years, the kids had caught up and erased the deficit.

In the same documentary, or perhaps another one which I saw around the same time, kids labeled as "special ed" with behavioral problems were given an entirely different diet, and within something like 6 months, they were better behaved than the kids who were deemed "normal."

I mention this to say this: There are some basic, common sense, fundamental things which we can do as a society to address some of our educational issues. Lots of time it almost seems that people aren't looking for them.