Monday, May 18, 2009

Sample EOG questions

To get you all in the mood for what you (and me) will be dealing with this week, see if you can tackle these sample EOG questions:

1) Jon has 3/5 of a dollar, Pasha has $0.65, Marie has 7/10 of a dollar, and Karen has $0.62. Who has the smallest amount of money?
A -- Jon
B -- Pasha
C -- Marie
D -- Karen

2) Which triangle must have three acute angles?
A -- an equilateral triangle
B -- a right triangle
C -- an isosceles triangle
D -- a scalene triangle

3) DEF is isosceles. Its perimeter is 52 cm. The length of a side of
DEF is 18 cm. Which is the smallest possible length of another
side of DEF ?

A -- 15 cm
B -- 16 cm
C -- 17 cm
D -- 18 cm

4) The art teacher wants to arrange 36 pictures on the wall so that one is in the first row, two are in the second row, three are in the third row, etc. How many rows of pictures will there

A -- 8 rows
B -- 9 rows
C -- 10 rows
D -- 11 rows


5) Different types of birds within an environment may feed on different types of organisms. What is a benefit of this type of interaction?

A -- It allows different birds to build better nests.
B -- It reduces competition between different birds.
C -- It causes different birds to reproduce more often.
D -- It allows different birds to escape from predators.

6) Two air masses with large differences in air pressure are near one another. What weather condition will most likely exist between the two air masses?

A -- low humidity
B -- high winds
C -- freezing temperatures
D -- clear skies

7) A dog runs 6 meters in one second. By the end of the next second, the dog has traveled an additional 4 meters.
Which best describes the motion of the dog during the two seconds?

A -- The dog slows down.
B -- The dog comes to a stop.
C -- The dog changes in mass.
D -- The dog changes direction.


Read the following poem and answer the questions!

He lifts his hopeful eyes at each new tread,
Dark wells of brown with half his heart in each:
He will not bark, because he is well-bred,
Only one voice can heal the sorry breach.
5 He scans the faces that he does not know,
One paw uplifted, ear cocked for a sound
Outside his sight. Only he must not go
Away from here; by honor he is bound.
Now he has heard a whistle down the street;
10 He trembles in a sort of ecstasy,
Dances upon his eager, padding feet,
Straining himself to hear, to feel, to see,
And rushes at a call to meet the one
Who of his tiny universe is sun.

8) Which phrase best describes the mood of the poem?

A -- hopeful at the beginning but sad at the end
B -- angry at the beginning but relieved at the end
C -- sad at the beginning but happy at the end
D -- careful at the beginning but carefree at the end

9) Which trait best describes the dog?

A -- aggressive
B -- disobedient
C -- loyal
D -- stubborn

10) What is the effect of using personification in line 11?

A -- It describes the dog's uncertainty.
B -- It emphasizes the dog's excitement.
C -- It describes the dog's training.
D -- It emphasizes the dog's talents.


1) A

2) A

3) B

4) A

5) B

6) B

7) A

8) C

9) C

10) B


E.C. :)

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